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What our customers are saying

“Our family have always used these and it's always been second to none service and best of all great value with the amount we get into the storage rooms. win win”

Richard Dunkley

“First Class. Our belongings were the same as the day they went in. The whole set up is so secure. I never doubted all our belongings were completely safe. This is without doubt the best storage in the area, and excellent value too. ”

Claire Webb

“I booked a unit from my iPhone at 11pm in less than 10 minutes! All the other companies I looked at were hiding their prices so well done Brynstore on your honest and transparent approach!”

Chris Evans

About StorSpace Self Storage - Brynmawr, South Wales

  • 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year access
  • 24hr security & CCTV monitoring
  • Business & home storage
  • Secure, dry and affordable
  • Internal storage units
  • External storage containers
  • Commercial units & offices to rent
  • Short or long term hire
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